2:11 am

In my opinion there are three things that you can always combined well. Leather, denim and black & white print. This time I decided go for denim. Theme of today's post is how you can update your outfit with some basic stuff. The most of my today's outfit is actually denim, and I think that is what makes today's combination special.

Tri stvari koje po mom mišljenju uvek možete dobro iskombinovati su koža, teksas i crno-beli print. Ovog puta odlučila sam se za teksas. Tema današnjeg posta je kako vaš outfit možete leti nadograditi uz krajnje basic stvari. Veća površina moje današnje odevne kombinacije je zapravo teksas ali mislim da je to baš ono što ovoj kombinaciji i daje glavnu reč.

This shorts was my love at a first sight when I spotted it on Instagram's official page of Pull & Bear. When I am in love with one brand, it is not a problem for me to find every piece there for my whole outfit. So you can guess, this top is also from Pull & Bear. Even if it looks it is made for sport activities only, i think it fits pretty well with the rest of my outfit. First of all, the color of denim is super effective, as well as the black detail in the middle and ripped denim.  I am once again satisfied with how perfect my JANIKO sneakers go with this outfit.

Ove tregerke i ceo kombinezon u modelu šortsa su bili moja ljubav na prvi pogled kada sam ugledala model u novoj kolekciji Pull & Bear-a na Instagramu. Kada zavolim jedan brend, neretko mogu i celu kombinaciju sklopiti od jedne marke. Shodno tome, i ovaj klasičan top se odlično uklopio. Iako deluje kao da je strogo sportski i više prilagođen treninzima, mislim da odlično pristaje današnjem outfitu jer je sam šorts sa tregerima dovoljno efektan i sačinjen od nekoliko detalja. Pre svega, sama boja je upadljiva, šniranje pertli na sredini i pocepani detalji. I ovog puta sam oduševljena koliko lepo pristaju današnjoj kombinaciji JANIKO patike.

I decided to skip any other details like jewerly, watch, or any hair accessories because, in my oppinion it is not neccessery to add anything else here. At the end, the most important is to make your outfit match with your personality.

Odlučila sam da izostavim bilo kakav dodatni detalj poput nakita, sata, kačekta, trake za kosu jer smatram da bi sve drugo bilo suvišno. Ipak je najvažnije da svaki outfit oslikava vašu trenutnu ličnost.

Outfit details:

Jumpsuit - shorts: Pull & Bear
Top: Pull & Bear
Sneakers: JANIKO

Photography: Katarina Ilišković

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